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1Click Backup : Backup Utility Software For Windows

1Click Backup : Backup Utility Software For Windows

“CSEP Technologies creates a new revelation in backup utility segment with its product 1Click Backup that can take backup in just ONE CLICK” See More

CSEP Technologies, the leader in delivering Creative Solutions @ Economical Prices, comes with yet another utility that delivers “Value For Money” to its users. This time CSEP unveils a backup utility named 1Click Backup that allows users to take backup of all their confidential data in just SINGLE CLICK. Along with the product, the company also offers 100 MB of free space on its company server, just in case the user wishes to take extra security measures to protect his data.

Supported by its advanced backup logic, 1Click Backup offers easy and reliable backup option for its users especially those who are wary of complex backup utilities that demand extensive settings and pre backup configurations.

1Click backup uses the concept of backup task option to provide users with easy and reliable backup option. The user just need to create a backup task once that contains links to desired files and folders he wishes to take backup. The application automatically takes backup of all the selected files and folders with just ONE CLICK. 1Click Backup also provides an option to include important items like Internet Explorer, Outlook Express Mails, Windows Fonts, Favorites, and Address Book etc in the backup task.

To enhance data security, 1Click Backup offers the user with an option to store backup on LAN or any remote location. To facilitate further, he can also take backup on external storage device connected to his system. And with its split data option, the application takes care of large data and splits it into small packets to come in a single floppy.

Restore data from the backup list is as easy task as taking backup. The user just has to select the backup list and click on Restore button to restore his important data. The user can restore the full backup list or only a section of the backup list depending upon his requirement.

1Click backup also offers Schedule Backup option. The user can schedule 1Click Backup application to take backup daily, weekly, monthly or any allotted day and time and can create multiple schedules if he has more than one backup requirement in future.

1Click backup application is a small, yet effective application and assist in taking backup with just a single click. May be that’s why, it’s fair to say “Backup is just ONE CLICK job!!!”
(written by : Manis Kumar)
Create Successful Business Website

Create Successful Business Website

Congratulation, you finely decided to upgrade your business with a website. This is really important step which can take your business to a new level structurally and financially.

1. Well built and properly advertised website can bring you hundreds of new customers who wouldn't have heard about your business otherwise

2. Most of people do not search for services on yellow pages no more but open Google , Yahoo, MSN, etc. Therefore your presence on the net is a very important strategy to earn new clients.

3. Website is your face when it comes to clients who arrive to you via the net. If your website is well built, even if you are a small business owner, clients will be more willing to work with you.

Now that we understand the importance of a good, reliable website for a business, let's go over some basic steps to make sure your website will be a success story:

Determine your budget:

Website building can cost you nothing or cost you thousands of dollars. I think that the best site is the one which benefit will excel its cost. Therefore every business owner must determine his appropriate budget .

Some companies offer absolutely free websites. There are some advantages and some disadvantages in such a website. The first and the biggest advantage is the zero cost. If your website turns out useless , you don't lose any money. The main disadvantages of free websites are usually the limited storage space (which means you can't build a large website) and limited bandwidth (if many users enter your site at once, it might become slow or even unavailable).

If you have a large sum of money to put on your web site, you may go to a custom Web Design firm. They will usually offer you two or three unique design sketches which they embed in their Content Management System and a directions about how to enter your content into it. The problem about this option is it's high cost.

There is no second chance to create a first impression:

Design is naturally one of the most important aspects in website success. Website design must represent your business as a prosperous, impressive and trustworthy therefore there is no place to disregard it.

Quality content:

In order to be found in search engines and attract serious visitors you must fill your website with high quality content. We suggest you enter information about yourself , your business and products. Professional articles and further information from your field of interest might add more value to the website and present you as an expert in your field.

Keeping in touch:

Once you have earned clients you better keep in touch with them. There are number of fast and cost effective ways to do so:

1.By mail. Today spam mail is a felony, but once a customer signed up at your website and gave his agreement to receive your e-mails, you should keep in touch with him , informing him about new products, services and sales.

2. By SMS. If your business is very dynamic you might use the SMS technology to keep in touch with your clients at real time.

3. Keep in touch with your clients by blogs and forums where you can offer them technical support.
(written by : Gally Reznor)
How to clean your Mother Board

How to clean your Mother Board

If you have not done the inspection mentioned in the previous article - How to Clean your Case, now is the time to do so. Look at the blades of the fan in the back of the computer. Also look at any vents. Is there clusters of dust there? Is there grime caked on to it? If so, the inside needs to be cleaned. If the fan blades are clean but it has been several years since you have cleaned the motherboard or if the computer is around cigarette smoke, it probably should be cleaned anyway. Dust and particles in the air (like cigarette smoke) can build up on the circuitry of the motherboard and cause it to heat up and/or corrode.

The first thing that you need to do is unplug your computer. Then open up the case to get access to the motherboard. Cases open differently. If you don't know how to open your case, look on the back of your computer along the edge for some screws. These screws may hold on side panels or an upside down U shaped panel that covers the sides and top. Removing the screws will allow you to take off the cover. Other cases have the screws on the front of the computer. To get access to these screws, you must first remove the front panel by pressing a hidden latch. The cover is there to give easy access to the inside of your computer, so if you look hard enough, you should be able to figure out how to remove it.

Remember that if you touch anything on the motherboard, you should be grounded by either touching the metal frame of the computer with your other hand or by wearing a special grounding device.

The goal of cleaning the motherboard is to remove all dust and debris from the motherboard and all components inside of the case. This can be done using one of three methods.

The preferred method is to use a can of compressed air to blow it out. Always hold the can in an up-right position to prevent the propellent chemicals which can damage or corrode components from coming out. Dust and dirt should be blown away from the motherboard and out of the case.

Another way to remove dust is to use a vacuum. The common advice is to only use a battery operated vacuum because an AC powered vacuum causes static and static can ruin the motherboard. I have used an AC powered vacuum (before I knew that it was not recommended) to clean my motherboard many times and it has never caused any problems, but I may have just been lucky. When using the vacuum, keep the nozzle a couple of inches away from the motherboard or any other components so that it does not come in contact with them and so that any small parts are not sucked into the vacuum.

If you do not have a can of compressed air or a vacuum, you can use a dry cloth and brush to clean the motherboard. Be careful not to dislodge or break anything using this method.

While cleaning the motherboard, be careful not to unplug any cables or connections or to dislodge any loose components, such as, jumpers.

Methodically clean the whole inside of the case going over all of the motherboard from one end to the other and all other components. Don't forget to clean the fans and heat sinks. Do not open up the power supply box or stick anything in it beyond the fan. If you do, you could get a shocking surprise and ruin your computer.

If your computer does not work when you put it back together, something was obviously dislodged during the cleaning. Open the case back up and push all connections and cards into their slots. Look for anything that may have become disconnected.

Cleaning the motherboard is probably the most dangerous form of cleaning but it is necessary to prevent an early death of your computer.(written by: Ray Geide)
DVD Backup Made Easy

DVD Backup Made Easy

If you are running backups on a regular basis, you have probably come across the problem that CDRs or CDRWs are simply to small for some backups. While you could split your backups to multiple CDs, this is not a very good solution if you have to backup 10GBs of data. The solution to this problem is to use DVDRs or DVDRWs instead. Since a DVD can easily store as much as 7 CDs, you could backup 5 to 10 GBs to a single DVD with a little compression. Using DVDs instead of CDs will speed up large backups considerably and will also greatly simplify storage.

In order to use the DVD media more efficiently you will probably want to compress your backup before writing it to the DVD. Compression can often reduce the size of a backup by 50% or more, doubling the capacity of your DVDs. A DVDR can usually store 4.7GBs of data and with compression you should be able to store about 10GBs on a single DVD. If you have ever tried to compress a 10GB file you probably know that this will take a lot of time. If you have a 20GB harddrive you might also have a problem storing the temporary uncompressed backup file. Since WinBackup compresses files on-the-fly backup operations are performed considerably faster. The built-in compression also reduces the need for a large temporary storage location and makes it much easier to run large backups to DVD-R or DVD-RW.

When storing backups on CDs or DVDs, security can easily become a problem. Since DVDs can easily get lost or even stolen, you need to protect your backups from unauthorized access by using some kind of password protection or even encryption. A backup often contains emails, important documents and other sensitive information. In fact, if you backup your entire harddrive, your backup could even contain passwords to computers and websites. WinBackup allows you to password protect and encrypt your backups with up to 256 bit encryption, making it virtually impossible for anyone without the correct password to access your files. Since encryption can be performed automatically on all backups you do not need to worry about security every time to save a backup to DVD.

Integrated DVD Writing
Even though many pc owners have a DVD writer installed in their computer, surprisingly few use it to backup important data. One reason for this could be that many users feel that writing to DVDs is a little complicated. With WinBackup this is no longer true. WinBackups integrated CD/DVD writing features makes it easier than ever before to write backups directly to CDs or DVDs without knowing anything about DVD Writing. Storing your backup on a DVD is as simple as inserting an empty DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-RAM, DVD+R or DVD+RW into your DVD Writer and clicking on "Run Backup". You can even leave a DVDRW in the DVD writer and schedule WinBackup to automatically update the contents daily. WinBackup also makes it easy to backup emails, documents or internet favorites with built-in shortcuts to important user data. (written by : Emil Malmberg )
How To Backup A PC

How To Backup A PC

Everyone thinks, ‘it won’t happen to me’. But what if it does? All your files, pictures and documents gone, in an instant. Sure, you can reach for the disks that came with your computer to reinstall the applications but what about the most important component, your data? Data backup is something too many computer owners ignore. There are a number of things that can bring down your computer, some of which include a power surge, hard drive crash, careless mistakes, viruses, a fire or theft. If your system did not come with a recovery disc, you should consider making a backup disc as soon as possible. This is important should you ever need to rebuild your system to its “as bought” condition. How often you back up your data varies from person to person. It depends on the volume of data input, frequency of change, and the nature of your data. A general rule of thumb would be to back up anything that would be difficult and time-consuming to re-create. How to backup data: If you have Windows XP, it includes backup software; however, if you’re running on Home Edition, it isn’t installed by default. Once the software is installed, go to the Start menu and choose “accessories”, then “system tools”, then “backup” in order to run the backup wizard. On the final screen, you can press the “advanced” button which will allow you to automatically schedule recurring backups. The wizard also allows you to create a system recovery disc which will enable you to boot and rescue your data should Windows get damaged. At the end of this article, you will find a list of programs and software that can do the data backup for you. You may think you’d like to back up everything you have in your computer. However, there is no need to back up software and applications since these can be reinstalled with the original discs. Most Windows programs now have a default for storing data within your user profile. Backup programs: There are a number of programs that perform data backup for you, some of which are described here. Ghost 9.0 creates full drive images, IBackup copies files to remote databases, and Dantz’s Retrospect Professional 6.5 is a traditional backup tool. There is also free software available for data backup. For instance, Backup4 protects your data and features an easy backup wizard that allows you to schedule backups whenever you like. Disk Tools Image Maker is an easy-to-use disk imaging tool which allows you to create exact images of your entire drive. It works directly from within Windows so there is no need to boot from a floppy. Handy Backup is another software which makes an automatic backup of critical data to any type of storage medium. Backup Tips: Here are a few tips to keep in mind regarding data backup: Don’t procrastinate. Most people decide to back up their data only after they’ve experienced a loss! Try to find a backup software that can hold twice as much as your hard disk so that you’re able to schedule backups when you’re not there. Back up only what is necessary. However, if you’re not sure, back it up ... better safe than sorry! (written by : Marisa Pellegrino)

What is Anti Virus Software and Why Do I Need It?

What is Anti Virus Software and Why Do I Need It?

Anti virus software is important for your computer's (and your) wellbeing and the Internet can help out with some free utilities.

How long have you been on the Internet? And you don't have any Antivirus software? That's certainly a big risk. Antivirus software utilities are expensive? Yes, it is true. Many of these programs are expensive, but they are absolutely essential.

Once installed on your system, and if kept properly updated of all virus definitions, an antivirus software utility will scan all files and separate the suspicious from the safe. It will alert you if a file is infected and either delete it or quarantine it so it cannot cause havoc with your machine. That way you system is constantly protected from the destructive behaviour of viruses. You will not be at risk of infection and, since a virus replicates itself, you will not risk infecting your friends.

Still, if your budget is too limited to include some of the heavyweight antivirus solutions such as Symantec's Norton, McAfee or Kaspersky, there are some free options available if you know where to look.

You basically have two options when it comes to free antivirus protection. You can use a free antivirus software package or you can do an online virus scan. Choosing an online virus scan is basically a good introduction to a product. Trendmicro.com scans your hard drive for free using its House Call antivirus software program. You allow the program access to your hard drive. It scans, locates and clean your infected files, if any, but won't collect personal information or log you IP address.

Do a quick web search for Free Online Virus Scan to bring up some other websites that offer the same service.

You ultimately need to install good antivirus software right on your computer. The most important thing that such software does is real time scanning. This means that whenever you download email or enter a website it is scanning the files and programs you may be downloading and checking to see that they are virus free. If a virus is detected the software will warn you right away, before you open the file and infect your computer.

There are options. If you type Free Anti Virus Software Downloads or Free Antivirus Utilities you'll bring up various results. Products like ClamAV, AntiVir Personal Edition, AVG Anti-Virus software, avast!, BitDefender are all free. As with any antivirus software utility you need to keep it updated regularly of all virus definitions so that it can do its job properly. The utility needs to be informed of the all active viruses so that it knows how to protect your system.

A virus seeks out users with a slack awareness of their computer's security needs. Be informed. Do a virus scan today.(written by : Dean Erickson)
How To Keep Your Computer Virus Free

How To Keep Your Computer Virus Free

Computer viruses can and do strike at any moment.
They assault your computer by destroying data,and
rendering your system useless.The very first line of
defense is to boost your knowledge of these well
hidden malicious codes.

Malicious codes come in three basic formulas.Viruses
are small programs that reproduce themselves for the
purpose of causing some damage.

Trojan Horses are disguised as gifts which may come
as an attachment in your email.Once ran its purpose is
to cause do harm to your system as well.

Then you may come in contact with does worms which
cause damage by copying themselves over networks
as wells as individual systems.These codes alters not
just one system but several within a network.

After you enhance your knowledge of malicious code,
know the symptoms of an infected system.Strange
PC behavior,an increase or decrease of data in a file,
pop up messages,random graphics,and files being
deleted are some symptoms of your system having
a virus.

The best way to find and remove viruses is with the
installation popular anti virus software from Norton
or McAfee.These programs readily identify infections
as well as promptly remove them.

Norton Anti vitus installs easy and a configuration
wizard runs after the computer has been re-booted.
This software offers several options that give you
the best virus scanning options.Use the neat update
feature to keep up with all the new viruses.Their user
friendly configuration leave no doubt in what and
you want this software to perform.

What should you do to prevent virus infection if you
don't have anti virus software installed on your PC?
We should all give a word of thanks for the Internet.
Rush over to one the free virus scanning services
which will scan your hard drive for malicious codes.

Trend Micro's Housecall scans your drive for viruses,
trojans and worms.They ask you to register first but
you can scan without registering.Why not go over to
http://housecall.trendmicro.com where you can go
Visit Symantec's Security Check site and download
their scan for viruses software which check your PC
for possible infections of any malicious codes.Go to

Don't do it.Don't say,yes,I will get anti virus protection
soon.It will be when you wait one day too many and
realize your computer must have a virus because it is
deleting files,randomly showing graphics,performing
one task when it should be performing another task,
and other strange things.Take the time or invest the
money for virus protection right now.
( writen by Otis F. Cooper )